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Diving into the world of Web Development: An Ultimate Guide

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Many of the activities we do everyday can be entirely performed online. We can make use of our phones, tablet, laptop, or other devices to perform several tasks like accessing the web, chatting with friends, making reservations online, booking appointments, making phone calls, hold business meetings, close important deals and so much more. Many businesses are now making use of the online space seeing it as an opportunity to reach more potential customers, increase their sales target and generate more income overall.

All of this is possible with a combination of the internet, a wild range of infrastructures, technologies and skilled professionals who build the apps and also websites that we use. The web, the internet and the magic and secrets that drives these forces from within is something remarkable. Professionals that build apps as well as websites are also one big driving force in this field of technology.

Web Development is the act of creating, designing, implementing and maintaining websites or web applications.This includes the structuring of the content, designing and styling the content, and making your project functional and interactive. It involves using a combination of several programming languages, tools and their respective frameworks to bring a website or web application to life.



The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and many other electronic devices. It is referred to as an Interconnected network. It is a global computer network providing a variety or series of information and communication facilities. With the Internet, it’s possible to access almost any information and communicate with anyone in the world. Let’s take a look at this example to understand better, you pick up your device and log into your favorite app, instantly you are connected to the world.

Now, how does that work? This is all made possible because two devices connect and communicate, via a wire or wireless connection forming something called a network. But this could become complicated as more devices connect hindering effective communication. This problem is solved by something called a network switch that connects multiple devices and allows them to communicate effectively with each other. This network switch can then connect with other network switches until we have what we call an Interconnected Network or The Internet. The Internet makes it possible for data or information to be moved across several devices effectively and reach people all over the world. The Internet connects the entire world. When we use websites or video streaming services on the Internet, these are provided by computer called servers. Our devices are clients. These pattern is known as the client-server model.

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The Internet’s Technologies


HTTP, an acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a core operational protocol for the World Wide Web. It is what enables your web browser to communicate with a web server that hosts a website. It is a communication protocol, you use it whenever you browse the web. It is also referred to as a request based protocol. When you input something to be browsed, the web browser sends an HTTP request to a server and then the web server sends the HTTP response back to the browser. It is also a protocol used for transferring web resources such as HTML documents, images, styles and other files. By using HTTPS we send information securely.


A web server responds to client request made over the World Wide Web. It makes use of HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and several other protocols to achieve this. It’s called a server because it provides a service to another computer. It’s user is referred to as a client. It is stored in what is known as a data center with several other data centers performing various tasks across the internet. There are data centers all over the world. Many websites use this to allow you to access your content quickly using the data center nearest to you. A web server has many functions which include website storage and administration, managing e-mail, data storage and security and another primary function which is handling web requests.


They may sound alike but they are all totally different. A webpage is a page that is structured, styled and given interactivity using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.It is one of the many pages that make up a website. A website is a collation of several webpages. The collection or collation of already structured and defined webpages make up what we call a website.

A web application on the other hand is more interactive and dynamic than a website. A website is informative but a web application is interactive.For example, you want to order your lunch online, you go on a website, a menu is drawn out showing their list of foods, you select your order, make payment and await your delivery. But for a web application, its more personalized, you could go on a company’s web application, get more information about the company, their services and information and service curated just for you as compared to a website that remains the same for everybody.

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The web browser is a software application that you use to browse the World Wide Web. It works by sending a request to a web server and after this has been processed, results are sent back to be displayed on your device. You have to input the address of the website you want to visit in the address bar. This address is commonly known as the Uniform Resource Locator(URL).

The URL contains the protocol or the HTTP, the domain name, usually the name of the website, and the file path or the path to the page that is displayed. When you make a request using this URL, the server and browser communicate using a protocol known has HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Once the web browser receives the content, it displays it on the screen of your device. An exchange called the request exchange cycle makes this possible.


Web hosting can be defined as a service where you place your website and files on the hosting companies web server. Websites and files are originally stored on web servers located in data centers but what if you wanted to create your own websites, do you need to have a data center with a web server specifically made for you? The answer is NO.

Developers can build and launch their own websites to the Internet using something called Web Hosting. This means you are renting a space for your websites in return for a stable and secure storage. Anyone can rent space individuals or as a company or organization. The various hosting options include shared hosting, virtual private hosting, dedicated hosting and cloud hosting.

An Introduction to the tools HTML, CSS AND JAVASCRIPT

The web pages we visit everyday are based on three core technologies HTML, CSS and Javascript. With the combination of these three, we can create web pages and web applications so you can offer any content you have seen online.

HTML(Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages. It describes the structure of a web page., describing the content of your web page. When this is done, a CSS file is called upon for formatting and styling then the Javascript code implements the core functions of the app and the user interactivity.

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As a web developer, you also need to be familiar with the other terms such as libraries, frameworks, API’s and IDE’s.

LIBRARIES are reusable piece of code that can be used by your application. They are specifically built to provide a specific functionality. It is a collection of pre-written code that can be used by a programmer to perform specific tasks. It helps reduce the amount of code a programmer needs to write to get things done.

FRAMEWORKS provide a structure for developers to build with. It is referred to as a layered structure or platform that provide a foundation for developing websites, web and software applications.

API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules or protocols that enable software applications to communicate with each other. It acts as an intermediary between one software product and another. API works as a middle man for developers.

IDE acronym for Integrated Development Environment is a developer’s toolbox. It is one of our many tools as a developer. It is a software for building applications. It is an application where you write code. There are many IDE’s, some are specific to one programming language while others support many languages in one IDE.

Some common features on IDE are syntax highlighting, error highlighting, complete, IntelliSense and so much more.


An essential part to becoming a web developer is learning how the computer works and what really goes on behind the scene which is why in this article, we explain in details the wonders of the web and the internet. To build a website, you will make use of three technologies, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These are essential tools to building a website. A professional in this sphere is known as a front end developer. You could also decide to become a back end developer. A back end developer deals with the back end of websites and web applications. There are also professionals known as the full stack developers. These ones work both on the front end and back end of a website or web application.

Indeed, there is a lot to be done in this sphere of web development and determination and self discipline is required to make a difference. The goal therefore is to keep learning and practicing to become an experienced developer.