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Django Setup For Windows

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Django Setup

To work with Django, we have to install Django first. Now when you say you want to install Django, you have to be specific with the Operating System you are working with because for different types of Operating Systems, we have a different type of setup for Django. If you are using a Linux based Operating System or a Mac, they have almost the same step but in Windows, we have a different setting to work with. Therefore, this article covers a guide on how to setup Django on your Windows. Most people use windows so its definitely logical to start with a guide for Windows.

First of all, you need a setup. Django is a web framework for Python meaning that if you want to work with Django, you need a Python setup. Make sure its the latest version for both Python and Django.

Python Setup

To install Python, go to google, search for “python download”. This brings out several results. Click on “Download Python or”. Download the version available keeping in mind if your windows is a 32bit OS or 64 bit OS and based on that, you can do the setup. You can then proceed to download the version that you have with you. Then you go to the file explorer, click downloads, then you continue your setup. A box will appear, make sure to add Python, whatever version you are downloading to PATH. Then click on INSTALL NOW, then after some time, it says “SET UP DONE” meaning Python has now been installed successfully on your Windows.

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To verify your download, you go to your command prompt on your system . Then type “python –version”, then click “Enter”. If the latest version of Python comes out which is what you just downloaded, then your Python was downloaded successfully. Congratulations!


Another crucial step you need in setting up Django is “Pip”. Pip is an installing manager for Python. It usually comes with Python so since you have successfully downloaded Python, you should have Pip already. You can verify this by checking for the version in the command prompt by typing “pip –version”. If the latest version of Pip comes out, it means you have Pip on your windows already. Now, once you have downloaded Python and Pip, you have to check for Django. To do this, you, again, open you command prompt and type “django -admin –version”, then press “enter”. When you do this, the result shows that Django is not yet available on your Windows because you haven’t set it up fully yet. So the question is
” How can we now set up Django?”. We shall now consider this.

Setting Up Django

You can download Django from the command window and it will affect the whole system but what if you want a separate unit for each of your Django projects, how do you go about it? In your command prompt, you input the following “pip install virtualenvwrapper-win”, then click “Enter”. You see after a long line of words “successfully installed”. This process is done to install the set up for our environment. Now, we have the set up for the environment, which is the environment wrapper.

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The next step is to create the environment by inputting “mkvirtualenv test” in the command prompt. The name of the environment here is “test”. Once you are in this environment, you have to install Django. Its not a difficult command, we can simply say “pip install django”, then click “Enter”. After a while, your install is successfully done. You can now check the version after in the command prompt to make sure its on your system.


In conclusion, you are now one step further into the world of Django. This article has covered how to successfully set up Django on your windows so please do well to follow the steps correctly to get started. Welldone!